Welcome to QES’s documentation!

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Behnam Bozorgmehr orcid_bb, Jeremy A Gibbs orcid_jg, Fabien Margairaz orcid_fm, Lucas Ulmer orcid_lu, Eric R Pardyjak orcid_ep, Rob Stoll orcid_rs, Pete Willemsen

The Quick Environmental Simulation (QES) code is a low-computational-cost framework designed to compute high-resolution wind and concentration fields in complex atmospheric-boundary-layer environments.

The modules are the following:

  • QES-Winds is the new wind model computing divergence-free steady-state 3D wind field in complex domain.

  • QES-TURB is a stand-alone turbulence model that computes turbulence fields from the calculated wind field in QES-Winds.

  • QES-Plume is a stand-alone Lagrangian dispersion model with the ability to calculate spatially and temporally varying scalar concentrations.

  • QES-Fire is a fire-spread model.

  • QES-Transport is a transport model (to be implemented)


QES requires a NVIDIA GPU with Compute Capability of 7.0 (or higher).


  • the latest version of the document corresponds to the private version of QES.

  • if using the public version of QES, please select the corresponding release version in the bottom left corner (ex. v2.1.0).
